Payroll Services
Through our specialized payroll services we handle the process of paying employees who are located in different countries. This will include complying with local laws and regulations, converting currency, and handling taxes and other deductions specific to each country.
As an entrepreneur, you have things that you specialize in, and things that you are needing or wanting to hire specialists for. Maybe, the salary and administrative field is not your specialty.
We are here to help you! Through our Expat Services, we take over all these administrative and legal tasks, but you remain ultimately responsible for the daily management and supervision of your employees so that you can direct them to your final goal. This means that you take care of the job interview yourself and you agree with the candidate regarding the terms and conditions of employment. Once you have agreed on the salary and duration of the contract with the expat, we can start the application for the work and residence permit and start preparing and scheduling your appointments for you:
- Health Insurance
Need help with setting up your global team?
Let us handle the process of paying your employees who are located in different countries.
How do our Expat Payroll Services work?
Before we can draw up the employment contract, together we need to agree on various and necessary conditions. Decisions must be made on payment conditions, employment conditions, duration and other benefits/conditions. We have specified the terms and conditions, a partnership agreement and the placement agreement per candidate. With these agreements we have covered the cooperation/agreements between you and us. A formal employment contract is also finalized between TOSS and the candidate.
Who will benefit from payrolling?

An international company that is thinking about sending their employees to the Netherlands.

A Dutch registered company that is looking to employ expat workers.

International recruitment and contracting agencies.

An expat looking for a recognized IND sponsor in the Netherlands.
TOSS as Legal Employer
If you use our payroll services, we become the legal employer of your employees. We will take over all your administrative and legal tasks, while you remain ultimately responsible for the daily management and supervision of the employees. With our international employment solution, things that are normally done by you as the employer would be done by us, such as:
- Submitting information to the Tax Authorities;
- Setting up the employment agreement (contract);
- Paying the net salary to the employees;
- Sending their payslip by email or via our digital portal;
- Submitting disability and sick claims;
- Sick pay according to contract terms;
- Tax withholdings for necessary insurances.
Pricing of payrolling
The cost for our payroll services are different for each client. It depends on the number of employees, and what kind of salary, visa and other employee benefits you offer to the candidate. So not only we take over all of your legal and administrative tasks as employer, we also thake over the risks. Which means that every month you will receive our invoice which includes all mandatory payments for this worker, like the social premiums and our fee. Depending on the payroll construction we could also arrange the pension for the employee.