Immigration Services
Moving to the Netherlands to start working as an expat could be a very challenging endeavour. Many things must be arranged, if you want to come live and work in the Netherlands.
As a highly skilled migrant with specific skills that are highly sought after in the Netherlands, you might be eligible for a specific work permit and related expat visa. All this is subject to requirements with regard to your income, skills and sponsorship.
Most likely as a starting point, a Dutch work and/or a residence permit is required. Such a work permit allows you to work in the Netherlands and will usually be applied for by your employer.
We arrange it all
We are here to arrange or assist with the immigration application. We take care of all the administrative and legal matters that come with it, to help you getting a work permit in Netherlands. We simplify the expat immigration processes for you. A big advantage here is that you and your actual employer can concentrate on the project/task you have to do while we arrange the rest.
Start your journey to the Netherlands well prepared
If you want to come live and work in the Netherlands, many things must be arranged. We can take care of all the administrative and legal matters that come with it. Want to know more?

Work permit
As an IND recognized sponsor we can arrange to be your employer and submit all necessary applications on your behalf. Our immigration payroll service agreement includes things as pension and health insurance.

Residence Permit
A residence card is needed as a way of identification card. The residence permit must also be applied for by your legal employer.

BSN stands for ‘Burgerservicenummer’ or Citizen Service Number. Not only do you need this important registration number when starting a new job in the Netherlands, it is a requirement in order to set up a bank account in the Netherlands.

Dutch bank account
You will need to open a Dutch bank account. This is called or referred to as IBAN – it is one of the most crucial first steps you will need to take. Not only will you need your IBAN to receive your salary at the end of the month if you are employed here, but you will also need it to pay your bills.
Immigration Services by TOSS in Holland
We are here to navigate you through all the immigration related administrative and regulatory issues. For example, in case your (future)employer is not located in the Netherlands, or when your employer would like to place you under their name with another employer in the Netherlands, or anytime your employer is not a recognized sponsor with the Dutch Immigration Department (IND).
For each of these situations we can offer you and your intended employer the most suitable solution. Since we are an IND recognized sponsor and are certified with all other mandatory labor registrations, we can become your legal employer through our international payrolling solutions.